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iDetailAid 1.11

iDetailAid is pleased to announce the release of iDetailAid 1.11 which will be available on Wednesday 4th November 2019.

This minor release has seen enhancements to the publishing features of the platform, including:

  • Updated publish page
  • Configurable email notifications on publish

Updated publish page


The publish page has been improved to remove all references to legacy publich destinations. Options available to content publishers are more clear and remove confusion around the use of LIVE/NOT LIVE nomenclature.

A new form has also been added to support the new email notification feature (see below).

Configurable email notifications on publish

It is now possible to send an email to multiple receipients upon successful publish. A content publisher can enter recipient email address(es) and a custom message.

In addition, administrators are able to configure boilerplate email copy which will be sent alongside the custom message.


Bug fixes

As always, there have also been a number of minor issues resolved and bugs squashed. 

If you have any questions about the iDetailAid 1.11 release or anything else, please contact