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iDetailAid 1.13

iDetailAid is pleased to announce the release of iDetailAid 1.13 which will be available on Wednesday 14th April 2021.

This release extends the developer features of the platform and includes the following features:

  • Presentation code editor
  • Presentation, Slide and Template JavaScript Context
  • Presentation Editor UI updates

Presentation Code Editor

In the 1.8 release of iDetailAid, we introduced an inline code editor to offer developers the opportunity to enhance slide functionailty using custom JavaScript and access to the Veeva JS Library.

iDetailAid 1.13 brings a new code editor for the Presentation Editor, allowing custom code to be written and executed at a higher level.


Presentation level code scopes

This release of iDetailAid has indroduced JavaScript context across Presentations, Slides and Templates. To prevent property name clashes, each template, slide and presentation in iDetailAid has its own JavaScript execution context. ​ ​ All functions and fields defined in the Code Editor are only visible to that instance of the Code Editor, preventing clashes. More information can be found here.

Presentation Editor UI updates

Bringing the Presentation Editor in line with the Slide and Templates editors, UI improvements have been made and a properties panel can now be found on the right of the screen.


Bug fixes

As always, there have also been a number of minor issues resolved and bugs squashed.

If you have any questions about the iDetailAid 1.13 release or anything else, please contact